Service Description
Reiki is not limited by distance or even by time. This combination session is held via ZOOM and has all the healing benefits of a full reiki treatment. The reading that accompanies your reiki treatment in this session facilitates gaining deeper insight, clarity, validation, peace of mind and heart, and so many other potential benefits that can serve as stepping stones along your journey of self-discovery and growth. WHAT TO EXPECT: 1-) Consultation First we’ll discuss any intentions you may have for your appointment. These may be mental, physical, or spiritual in nature. There may be a life situation you’re struggling with, or perhaps you just want to shake up your self-care routine and discover what psychic reiki can do for you. I will sincerely and respectfully hold any intention that supports the highest good for you and for all. 2-) Reiki You'll lay down and get comfortable in the quiet space you've chosen for your session to be held. **A few suggestions: couch, bed, or yoga mat with blanket and pillow. ** Next you’ll receive a full reiki treatment which includes a ‘tune-up’ of your chakra system and much more! 3-)Reading/ Interpretation After your treatment, we’ll sit together to process your experience and any messages that came through. Unlike a traditional (psychic) reading, this portion of the session will be based solely on what I saw, heard, and experienced as an intuitive medium during your reiki treatment. This information comes from many sources, including but not limited to: your energy/chakra system, you and your higher self (soul), spirit guides (yours and mine), your loved ones who have passed, and even ancestors you’ve never met. Each chakra holds valuable insight into aspects of your current state of mental/ physical/ spiritual/ social/ well being. That insight can support a new perspective & deeper understanding of yourself and situations in your life. Often illuminating the unique inner beauty and strength you possess and how to use that to overcome challenges you may be facing. Every session is different and I do not control what information I receive during your reiki treatment so I can not promise specific answers to specific questions. But I can assure you that I will always hold my sessions in a space of love and light with the intention of the highest good for all.
Contact Details
925 Wappoo Road, Charleston, SC, USA